The Benefits of Working Outside

If you’ve ever found yourself totally distracted by a beautiful summer day, there’s a good reason. The power of nature calls to you. But more than that, it is a huge element in how happily—and productively—you work!


Working Outside Boost Your Energy

Craving another cup of coffee? Maybe you should skip the caffeine and sit outside instead. One study suggests that spending 20 minutes in the open air gives your brain an energy boost comparable to one cup of joe. 

Working Outside Can Make You Feel Calmer

According to science, you really should stop and smell the flowers. Research shows that natural scents like roses, freshly cut grass, and pine make you feel calmer and more relaxed. 

Working Outdoors Increases Creativity

Just like certain music can make you feel creative, so can nature. Spending time in nature can boost your creative problem-solving skills by an insane 60%. This benefit alone means that nature really does have a big impact on our well being. Those who work outside, they will most likely come up with unique, creative ideas.

Spending Time Outdoors Gives Your Immune System A Boost

Fresh air and breathing outdoor air for three days will increase your white blood cells for a month. This means your immune system will be given a huge boost! Spending time outdoors will make you feel less moody, nauseous and you will feel a lot less ill than before.

Spending Time Outdoors Helps With Sleep

Many people struggle with their sleep, exposure to natural light and outdoor air can help you get more sleep! According to the studies, this exposure provides us with 46 more minutes of sleep than usual. Sleep is crucial for our well being, especially if we want to be productive at our work.

Fresh Air Improves Your Concentration Levels

There is nothing better than being able to take a break from work and stare at the green scenery before you. Those who work outside and often stare at beautiful green scenery have their concentration levels improved by a lot.

Taking all these benefits into consideration, it is really easy to say we are not meant to be sitting indoors as nearly as much as we are. Our bodies are meant to be exposed to nature and our eyes crave to see some real greenery around us.

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